Hi all,
069 build 1145:
bug: Pulse CHOPs’ Pulse Width is stack to ‘S’ (Seconds).
bug: Movie Out TOP saves courrupted Tiff files.
bug: when selecting “inside [number]” in the link panes drop down menu, no “+” sign is displayed after the number.
bug: Select CHOP: when renaming multiple channels from “*” to “v”, you get many channels with the exact same name, all “v” instead of “v0”, “v1”, “v2”, etc. This issue was spotted by Malcom some time ago, it’s back.
bug: TOP to CHOP outputs 2 indexes instead of a single one when in Pixel(U,V) mode.
issue: The lower dash characters inside DAT tables are almost invisible, in fact every character gets cut below the sea level.
issue: Similarly, in ‘Commands and Expression’ panel: The list of Commands and Expressions have their q,y,j,p characters clamped unfortunately. A q becomes undistinguishable from an a.
issue: While LMB is pressed on a panel, the number of times that the other panels cook get almost halved and produces slow responses.
issue: Panel CHOP, If you press and hold the LMB and move the mouse fast somewhere and then suddenly stop, the panel’s u and v coordinates may make a full stop before actually reaching that final mouse position. Maybe a double check before considering a full stop.
bug: When you first load a project with TOP operators, their displayed aspect ratios will not be correctly calculated unless you, for example, check and uncheck the global resolution multiplyer checkbox, forcing the operator to recook.
suggestion: The new bookmark’s floating panel may include a viewer preset for two full wide horizontal rows. It includes many presets but this one, which is usually the best choice for working with a network viewer and a chop viwer simultaneously.
these ones may be old, not sure:
bug: select panel, does not display (refresh) it’s selected panel in the in the op. It’s only visible in the floating panel.
bug: resetting a Timming CHOP leaves a dented scratchy trace when monitored through a trail CHOP.
bug: create a TOP, say Ramp TOP, with higher horizontal than vertical resolution, set Aspect Ratio = Resolution. Atach then a Crop TOP, change the Crop Top to Pixels without changing its value:
it will put the width’s res value and rescale the top.