088 ability to choose quicktime codec ?

the option doesn’t seem to exist in TOps/prefs anymore. Is it coming back ? I pre-rendered a small movie with alpha and not sure how to best import and loop seamlessly in 088. Currently dabbling with jpeg/luma key, anim+alpha (both quicktimes) and TIFF seq with alpha. I noticed I had trouble looping and then realized there’s no option for qt library. Do I need to install something besides QT?(pro is in already) I forget …or its broken

Those should all play fine in 088. Are they not? Quicktime has been dropped since there is no 64-bit version of it, and it doesn’t scale well for multiple simultanous movies playing (Apple artificially limits the library to one movie/CPU at a time).
I’ve love to see any sample videos you are having issues with, that play fine in standalone quicktime.

I think there’s an issue with the loop crossfade in 088. It stutters at 60fps and refuses to play at 30

I took my test movie into 077 and it worked fine with both quicktime and LIBAVcodecs

088 64 bit build 8000
077 64 bit 188880
BackHolePJPGmed2.zip (4.1 MB)

Is this still an issue? I can’t reproduce a stutter on my machine

Seems OK.