Coulda sworn I was able to paste variable $AT (absolute time) in any old parameter field I wanted- for instance in the ‘seed’ parameter of a noise CHOP. Now it doesn’t seem to work. Am I missing something ? Did something change in 088 to make this not work?(running 64 bit here, FYI) The error message says it’s looking for a float … so I guess I need to convert the variable to a float first ?.. what would be the syntax ? If my default language is Python, then does that mean that what I type in param boxes is going to be Python syntax ? Guess I should RTFM … any help much obliged.
It works fine for me…as a workaround for now try:
thanks for that, but nope, I get syntax error if I put “format($AT,3,2)” in the seed parameter.
I get ‘expecting float error’ if I put in " ‘format($AT,3,2)’ ".
guess I should also mention that I upgraded to build6780 (64bit) today.
thats really unusual…is your noise CHOP in T-Script mode? (top right of parameter box click the yellow python icon so it changes to a T)
there are no speech marks or backticks needed either
ok… if I lay down a noise chop and set object in Tscript mode I can set seed to $AT.
If I switch object to Python mode it breaks and reports object has no attribute ‘abs.time’ and the Python code has become ‘me.time.absTime’.
I get the same results if I try to put $AT in a constantCHOP parameter
I think I kind of understand here- let me know if I’m wrong:
$AT is a tscript formatted variable ?
Ss this means that if my default language is Python then builtin variables wont work unless they are re-formatted for python syntax? I can switch my objects individually to tscript with the toggle you mentioned, but Im guessing Im looking for a python equivalent to $AT- where do I find this info if it exists ?
There is no notion of global variables in Python. But similar information can be obtains from different places. For example the time/frame variables can be obtained from the timeCOMP class. … COMP_Class
So $AT is:
While $AF is