088 GPU affinity lock on start

The newest version of 088 is locking on startup when using GPU affinity mode and the graphics card selected is not connected to the Nvidia main window assignment.

For example GPU 0 is connected to monitor 0 and it is the Windows “Main” window. All programs start on that window. Try and launch Touch on GPU 1 and the program loads on the main window but locks up.

A workaround is possible by launching 088 in perform mode so it opens on the proper monitor but when you escape perform mode the network view opens up back on the main monitor and TD hangs.

Also still no alpha channel being recorded with the movie export dialog using animation codec.


Do you have the video editing preset selected? Nvidia has told me this isn’t currently supported with GPU affinity. Strange that it ever worked for you, I’ve always had it hanging on startup.
They are reportedly working on a fix.

I do have video editing preset running. Is this not what should be set in order to prevent tearing?

Also I’m running driver 297.03 should I upgrade to the newest driver? I’ve learned to avoid driver updates if everything is working fine but if you think it will be helpful I will.


Yes, that does need to be set to avoid tearing. So unfortunately that means there is no tear-free + GPU affinity configuration right now. I’m actively trying to get them to fix this (and spending a lot of time doing so).

Okay I’ll just leave it then, Touch is loading but only if it opens its window on the assigned GPU. It’s a little bit of pain for editing the project because I always have to quit the affinity loaded project and open it normally to edit it but I can live with that. Or I just realized I can run in non-video editing mode when working and just switch when performing.


In my experience it’ll eventually hang even without moving the windows around, so I’d be careful about doing it in performances even…

any news on this one?

on my system (077, dual quadroplex 7000) i can get affinity working if i enable aero

If i disable aero, touch hangs if the affinity > gpu 0, no matter if video editing preset is selected or not.

Dual Quadro Plex that must be nice. Does that mean you run affinity within 1 Quadro Plex on each of it’s GPUs or do you have two 7000’s and have four GPUs? Man imagine if they come with a k7000, 5000 cores maybe?

Anyway I haven’t run 077 since October now and have had great results with 088 and affinity. I was having that whole problem you described before with the <October’s build of 077 but since I started using the newest build of 088 Touch has been pretty solid. I found the pre-November build’s of 088 pretty buggy but now I find it’s relatively solid (no more crashes than 077 anyways).

Did you try my workaround by setting the project to open in perform mode on the monitor that is the GPU you want? I know Malcolm said it might not be stable but I did do a few performances like that and it worked fine.

yes, dual qplex7000, i.e. 4 quadro 7000 gpus. sounds nicer than it is, unfortunately. I mean its great to have 8 outputs from a single app, no reloading of affinity or cluster clients on each change … but the performance of mosaic is not that good. Basically your spending too much money for just extra outputs without any performance gains, even though you have 4 GPUs.

But development times are so much faster compared to affinity or cluster based setups, which imho is worth the extra price.

Malcolm, is there anything you can do to get better performance in mosaic?

Checking with Nvidia on the status of this fix.
I doubt there is anything I can do directly to make Mosaic faster. The best we can do I bet is to have a good test case that we can send Nvidia, and see if they can optimize their drivers for how TD uses the GPUs so that Mosaic runs better for us.