1 minute into a tutorial and $F doesn't $F'ing work

so this is starting to drive me nuts… i’m going through all these tutorials, following the directions exactly, and it just doesn’t work somewhere, and because of that i can’t go through the rest of the tutorial. for instance:
at 1:16, he types $F into the field. when i do this it turns red, stays 0, and the object gets a big red X on it. cannot continue the tutorial. unless i’m missing something, i started with a blank slate and just added these THREE objects and it just will not work.
it seems other tutorials i get similar problems. everything works as it should for the first few minutes but then it says something like “connect this here”, i do, red x.
any advice on how to get over the initial learning curve? i’m going through all these different tutorials/etc. vids but running into problems in almost all of them. i come from a puredata background so i get dataflow and know exactly how i want things to work, but cannot connect them for the life of me, and when they do, it doesn’t work… EVEN when following tutorials. is there a database of .tox files i can reverse engineer? because that really helped me learn pd back in the day.

Yes that’s because python is the standard scripting language and the expression $F is tscript.
you can switch between python and tscript with the little python icon at the upper right of the properties window of the operator.
Or, instead of $F you can use the python pendant: “me.time.frame”

btw python support is new since 088, so the problem is that the tutorials are “old”.

awesome thanks… so many little quirks that aren’t explained that are gonna be a pain to figure out, but my body is ready

just ask. you’re going to get out of the pain quick i promise.

Pain is pleasure for some of us! Definitely ask, and just really be patient with some of the older tutorials. If you’re using 088 stuff like menus might be different as well.

thanks for the support guys! seems to be quite a welcoming community, which i definitely like. will probably just ask as it comes, but if anyone can recommend some simple straightforward tutorials (similar to the one i linked, besides the $F problem everything else in that was pretty simple to digest) and/or guides that explain some of the less obvious stuff, PLEASE link them, for the time being i’m going to weed through these tutorials, but also where can i find .tox files? not trying to steal anyone’s thunder but i really gotta do some reverse engineering to wrap my head around some of this stuff (in pd would basically take apart patches and rebuild them from scratch, helped soooooo much).
thanks guys! will start showing work as i get it done hahaha

I liked this very much:


And do you know the palette already? It’s that little button at the left right next to the performance mode button. There are lots of small containers that you can rip apart. Also the generative design examples, the gallery and the shared tox parts of the forum!
Greetings and welcome!

hrtlacek thanks, these look like they’ll help a bunch! i’ll let you know when i get 2 minutes into the first video and it’s not working hahaha

I love that MUTEK workshop set of videos and the Resonate, but is there a shared .tox file for that somewhere?

They don’t go through creating the networks so when I try to duplicate it at home it ends up incomplete.

And to the OP, from my experience (not that I can do shit yet) the workshop videos helped the most. RESONATE 2013 and MUTEK 2012 They’re geared towards how I will be using TouchDesigner. Helped me connect with the bigger picture.

Also, the ‘Generative Design’ .tox are good to get an idea on how to achieve a certain effects.

I found it :blush:


Cheers :slight_smile:

so far so good, these tutorials are really helping!
but somehow when i tried saving the huge canvas up to the third video, i have files called Mutek Mutek.1 Mutek.2 Mutek.3 and when i open them i get some stuff but nothing that i did… weird…
but now my problem is, midi in chop doesn’t work. i get:
Device Table: /local/midi/device
Device ID: 1
no matter what i change the device to, no dice. i can’t find anything about the device table googling around. i know the midi works via loopbe because i have it working with puredata and ableton. any advice is welcome, getting midi and osc in is a big part of what i need to do.

making huge progress here, got the midi in working (mostly, but it works). question is now how do i go about taking a CHOP and dragging it into the value for a parameter? i always get the red field and can’t seem to figure out which object indeed lets me do that, i thought maybe CHOP to DAT would but it doesn’t. i want to use the midi input to either spit specific values in places when it gets certain notes, or even just on/off values, or anything like that, but within the parameter window, and just… red field no matter why i try.
thanks for the help so far cause it’s really working!

theres a little diamond at bottom right of chop window- click that and then drag the value in the window, instead of the whole window, drop it over your parameter and choose ‘relative’ as a start.

thanks cod65! gonna go home and plug this into my test patch… this is really the biggest hump i’ve found to get over so far, those mutek tutorials really caught me up to speed fast!and i’m sure some of my questions are in there, just in later videos… thanks for your patience everybody!

thanks for all the help again guys, still working through those mutek tutorials but got a GREAT basic understanding so far from it…
realtime ableton controlling td… good stuff!