11760 Evaluting Paths for export parameters in python

If I am creating an export DAT by evaluating a bunch of stuff and then export to an OP set to python language, any path/op based parameter will not resolve unless there are quotes around the path.

Shouldn’t exported parameters work sort of like the new ‘constant’ mode in that quotes are provided hidden for you, so that when making more complex export DATs I shouldn’t have to worry about adding quotes to parameters that need them (basically anything that’s a string)?

Bump on this, ran into the same thing again, for now switching the operator being exported to to Tscript mode works fine in my current case. Otherwise, what’s the easiest way to add quotes around a cell entry in a table, I assume its some escape literal type stuff?

Ok, could someone just tell me how to get an evaluate DAT to resolve so that i get me.inputCell.val surrounded by quotes so that my export to a python mode parameter will work?

Say my input DAT has one cell that say:

hello world

and the result after the evaluate is “hello world” so that I can send that as an export to a string parameter of an operator in python mode. Does this make sense?

Ok, i feel dumb. " ’ " + inputCell.val + " ’ "

that’s the ticket, but it still doesn’t solve my problem, that i need to set a “by Selected Values” parameter in a selectDAT and select a row that is labelled with a space in the name, it still seems to try and find two entries seperated by the space. BUT if I manually enter ‘hello world’ in the parameter in constant mode it works, curious.

Unfortunately, right now export mode in the parmaeter handles strings like expression mode, and therefore you need the ‘string’ ticks.

If you don’t want to add ticks around string in your DAT, can you use an expression in the parameter to pull the string out of the table? I know this might not work in your case as it comes at the problem from the other direction, but just a thought.