2 Geo's - Same CamSchnapper perspective?

So I’m trying to - in a way - rebuild the resonate 2013 toe to my liking. I’m taking it apart and modifying things along the way to better understand the variables and functions at play.

Right now I’m having a hard time figuring out how to make 2 different geos render from the same perspective set by camschnapper.

If you look at the attached toe, ‘cam1’ shows 2 different textures but different angles/scale. The texture on the top layer is set by camchnapper and has been aligned with the real world object. The texture ‘boxes’ on the bottom layer is not correct.

How should I go about doing this?
myCamSchnappr.20.toe (62.8 KB)


I’m sure this is a common practice…

I’m rendering 2 different Geo’s (one is instanced) but I need them both to be mapped according to CamSchnappers perspective.

As you can see in the attached file there is 1 GEO that is mapped correctly and another that is not…

No advice?