2 questions

I stumbled on the shadow casting tutorial, and it worked for me on one PC, but when i switched my PC, it doesn’t work. Same goes for the sample file i downloaded… It only appears as a black mask on the geometry.
Does anyone has the same problem?

I wanted to create a first-person-view camera, problem is when i move the camera’s y axis up, it’s still pointing at the look-at camera node.
I have a shift-left/right shift-up/down move-forward/backward attached to the keyboard and i attached my mouse’s controls to the look-at camera node so that the camera follows the mouse.
Wonder if i can have 2 CHOP exports on one parameter so that both the camera node and look-at camera node will move together when i shift-up?

Hey, about the second question, if i don’t misunderstand you, you could combine your two CHOPS with a math CHOP.

Thanks that solved it! Sorry for my grammar haha…

This is a screenshot of the first problem i faced. I downloaded this shadow_example.toe from derivative.ca/wiki/index.php … ng_Shadows and it worked the last time but not on this PC…

What kind of GPU do you have? Do you have the latest drivers?

I have ATI Radeon HD 3600, latest driver, running 64bit with 4gb ram.

Guessing its the graphic card eh…?

Ya seems likely, sorry.