2017.15960 print output not in textport after comp.save()


kind of in line with my feature request to enable the async keyword for the COMP class, as I feel it might be filesize related…

im saving a list of modules, but the print statements get only executed after the last module:

        for mod in modules:
                mod.save(mod.par.externaltox, async=True)           	
            except TypeError:

in this example the message ‘msg1’ gets never printed.
‘msg2’ gets only printed for the very last module in the list.

Please post an example .toe

in this stripped down version it behaves slightly different than I initially wrote, but still drops some print() statements…
ctrl+s to save in the toe
print_save_bug.7z (2.28 MB)

Interesting. I don’t see it on my version. Are you on Mac? Also, what build are you running.

2017.15960 is the build, windows machine…
In this stripped down example i had to increase the size of the containers (add more textures/stoner base components) to actually see the behaviour and it also didnt show as consistently as in the full-project toe file…
maybe you have to increase the size even more to see it, or maybe its just my system behaving weirdly, didnt have the chance to try it on other machines yet…

If this is not causing you direct problems, let’s test again in the next official release and see if anything changes.