2018.26450 - Crash when loading environment map


In the last few builds, it happened quite a few times that my instance of Touch would just crash without any error message or CrashAutoSave. It hangs for a few seconds and then close just like if the process was killed.

I was able to find a specific case that will cause a crash:
When using an high res TOP (20k * 10k in example) as an environment map on the Environment Light COMP, a crash occurs.

I was suspecting some kind of memory problem with my GPU (8gig GTX 1080, driver 416.16) but was able to reproduce in an empty file.
It seems that a texture of 12k by 6k will already trigger the crash.

Is there a limitation on the GPU or the Environment Light that I should be aware of ?

I’ll keep tracking other similar bugs when they occur…

Thank you for your time,
environmentMapCrash.toe (3.7 KB)

Likely the GPU driver is timing out when doing the precomputation for the env map.
Can you try tweaking your timeout values as described in this article?

pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/W … ience-777/

Seems like you were right, thanks. It does solve the crash, but it is hanging for a while ^^’

Any possible fix on your end to avoid Touch to crash when a timeout occurs ?


I’m not sure if it’s possible, I think it’s just the way Windows handles an app that it thinks has hung during a GPU operation. In this case it’s a heavy computation. I’ll try and see if I can split up that operation into smaller ones so we don’t seem like we are hanging.

Amazing, thanks for looking into that !