In the last few builds, it happened quite a few times that my instance of Touch would just crash without any error message or CrashAutoSave. It hangs for a few seconds and then close just like if the process was killed.
I was able to find a specific case that will cause a crash:
When using an high res TOP (20k * 10k in example) as an environment map on the Environment Light COMP, a crash occurs.
I was suspecting some kind of memory problem with my GPU (8gig GTX 1080, driver 416.16) but was able to reproduce in an empty file.
It seems that a texture of 12k by 6k will already trigger the crash.
Is there a limitation on the GPU or the Environment Light that I should be aware of ?
I’ll keep tracking other similar bugs when they occur…
Thank you for your time,
environmentMapCrash.toe (3.7 KB)