[2022.28040] Trying to instantiate ParGroup in the Textport crashes

Repro steps:

  1. Open Textport
  2. ParGroup()
  3. :fire:

Admittedly, this probably goes under “I did something dumb and Touch crashed.” But it’s not like I’m going to stop doing dumb things any time soon. :grimacing:

If you’re asking, “why were you trying to make a new ParGroup?!”, I’m getting used to Internal Parameters, and I was trying to figure out how to set an XYZ custom param as if it had a ParGroup. (If I use the usual ParGroup syntax, is says ParCollection doesn’t support this, use the ParGroup on the Op, but since it’s not a normal Op, there’s no ParGroup! Don’t worry, not asking for a response to that part in a bug report; I have some searching to do, then I’ll ask around in the proper channels.)

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““I did something dumb and Touch crashed.””

Well, it shouldn’t crash :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

Thanks for the report.

I was able to reproduce and logged this as an issue.



If I understand your question, it seems there is an issue with internal par shortcuts and parGroups.

If you access the ipar COMP directly and use the regular .parGroup notation, it should work, however.

I’m logging this as an issue.


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Hey Michel,

Thanks for noting this. After poking internal parameters more and realizing that they’re basically just ParCollection shortcuts on top of internal operators, I realized that I could use iop instead of ipar to get the operator and then access with parGroup as you say. Given that, this seems like it probably works as designed, and I just didn’t have the full picture in my head.

All that is to say: no need to keep this issue open on my behalf!

Yes you can use the iop shortcut, good point.


Crash behavior for ParGroup() and several other built-in classes is now fixed in builds 2022.29470 and later.
Thanks for the example.

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Yes if iop works for you, that’s fine.