[2023.11880] TimerCHOP high CookTimes

EDIT: This behaviour seems to only occur when the timer is initialised with a length lower then the current timecodeObject pushes. So initialising the timer with 24hours seemes to solve the issue.

EDIT 2: This also seems to not respect cycling. I would expect that when the timerCHOP is set to cycle that an overdrive of the external timecode would result in a loop /the length of the timerCHOP

EDIT 3: Settings Segments on the timerChop also borks everything up major.

When using a ClockChop as the driver for a timerCHOP (no special settings applied otherwise), it results in extremly high cook-times.
It also seem to not actually progressing the timer / do anything else, When I run the the timer and switch to ExternalTimecode, it seems to run in regular time but not paralel to the clockCHOP. Mabye I misunderstand the functionality though,

Hi @alphamoonbase

This is logged for a developer to look into it and get back to you.
