[2023.11880] TimerCHOP high CookTimes

EDIT: This behaviour seems to only occur when the timer is initialised with a length lower then the current timecodeObject pushes. So initialising the timer with 24hours seemes to solve the issue.

EDIT 2: This also seems to not respect cycling. I would expect that when the timerCHOP is set to cycle that an overdrive of the external timecode would result in a loop /the length of the timerCHOP

EDIT 3: Settings Segments on the timerChop also borks everything up major.

When using a ClockChop as the driver for a timerCHOP (no special settings applied otherwise), it results in extremly high cook-times.
It also seem to not actually progressing the timer / do anything else, When I run the the timer and switch to ExternalTimecode, it seems to run in regular time but not paralel to the clockCHOP. Mabye I misunderstand the functionality though,

Hi @alphamoonbase

This is logged for a developer to look into it and get back to you.


Just had a look in to this again in 12000 and the behaviour still is there.

If this would work, comined with the offset (which might also be nice if it could be defined via timecodeobject) we would have a good way of scheduling timers over the run of a day for example.