2023.12120 - MIDI Device Mapper not updating

Hi Guys,

The MIDI device mapper doesn’t seem to update the sensing log stuff when in perform mode if you open it…is this by design or a bug?

I’m just opening it via ui.openMIDIDeviceMapper() in my UI in perform mode. If I exit perform mode it works as expected.

Not by design, but perhaps never tested. We’ll look into why Perform Mode affects that.

Hi Ben,

I’ve also noticed that if I make a MIDI map, save the toe and then re-open the toe the MIDI mapper is saying TouchOSC Bridge as the In Device…I don’t know what that device is but it should be my LaunchControlXL which is what I originally set that menu to. It’s still plugged in and the only item in the list when I hit the drop down. It seems to be a purely cosmetic thing as the LaunchControl still works as ID 1.