26380 - FBX Import seems to break UVs

If I import an FBX file, remove any materials in it and try and apply a material in touchdesigner it breaks. Wireframes look solid and materials look like a bunch of solid lines like it’s only sampling the U axis and not V in the shader.

Attached two images. One is the model with texture applied in Maya and the other is in TouchDesigner.

Can you attach the FBX file / textures?

I’m having the same issue with a fbx.
Is there a work around?
If I export the fbx from blender with 5 different materials of course I get 5 splitted meshes.
Adding the texture the right splitMesh I get the issue.
If I export an obj and than I use it the texture works.



Could you include the asset files so we can investigate?

Yes Ben I will, but not at this moment.

Anyway I found a trick to make it works.
I had to enable the GPU on the fbx COMP; I have 3 textures for 3 mesh so I have imported the fbx again BUT using the CPU method this time; created a in/out SOP route from the cpu fbx to the gpu fbx and now I can see the textures. I think because when the the meshes are in the GPU you can’t apply texture because you dont have vertices datas. Right?