31740: FBX imports with absolute filepaths

Hey y’all,

When importing FBX files, TouchDesigner uses absolute file paths instead of relative file paths despite everything being imported to the Project directory’s “Import” folder. I have several projects that I move between machines, and the absolute file paths end up broken. I’ve had to resort to manually deleting everything before “Import.…” on each OP’s filepath, which can be painfully tedious for FBX imports with many parts and textures.

I’ve attached an example TOE and FBX file for your consideration.


I juust realized the FBX files import with relative paths when I drag them from Windows Explorer, but not when I use the dialog.
FBX_Import.zip (323 KB)

Over the past few days, I’ve been using the drag-and-drop import method and it seems to be a solution to my relative file path problem. This development leads me to two questions:

  • Is there any advantage of using the import dialog over drag-and-drop? Does the import dialog handle more complex FBX files in any preferable way?

  • Might it be possible to add an option to the import dialog that will enable a user to toggle between absolute and relative file paths?

The dialog just let the user scope what to include versus dragndrop. I’ve added your relative/absolute option to the RFEs for that dialog!

Thanks Ben, much appreciated!