Hi there!
This is my first time to write a forum!
These days I try to make a led cube using UDP. I send 368.6kbps because this will be (16 * 16 * 16 * 3(r,g,b)) cube…
I try to send 368.6kb through the UDP protocol and use thsese data for DMX Out.
But data didn’t work properly, I don’t know why and also datto can not send proper data to topto operater.
I use uint8 because I should reduce some datas for Udp.
But Udp table can not show all datas that sent by table. Datto is werid too. Because when I send a small number, It should be a smallest bar but it shows ridiculous. Please help me!
test (1).66.toe (15.0 KB)
I am still looking to see if I can answer any of your other questions but I can address the “Datto is werid too. Because when I send a small number, It should be a smallest bar but it shows ridiculous.”
The scaling on the bars is dependant on the max value that’s been shown.
If you’ve never gone over 1 then any numbers from 0-1 will be big bars.
If you’ve gone to 100 then any numbers from 0-1 will be very tiny bars.
If you go 0-1 the top of the scale is 1.
Once you go over 1 the top of the scale is 10.
Go over 10 the next top is 100.
Try this: Constant CHOP to Null CHOP. Set the value of the constant to 500. You’ve got half a bar because the top limit for 500 is 1000.
Each bar is independent of the others for scale.
If you make the operator active you can reset the scale by pressing ‘r’ or right click and reset Min/Max.
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Thank you so much ! I’ve solved my problems