Hey I am building a touch screen interface (panning across a 3D scene) and I would like to allow the user to scroll past the bounds of the content and have the camera automatically ease back into a position within the cam position limits I have set.
Currently I am doing the following:
reading the panel U of the touch.
feeding it into a slope chop to find the speed of the drag.
using a lag chop to ease the change
this goes into a speed chop to accumulate the total position.
I can limit the speed but this causes an abrupt stop along the bounds of the camera. How can I ease it back within bounds?
This works! The only issue being that it effects all scrolling actions now. Not just the scrolling actions along the boundary. I’ll see if I can write some sort of logic to bypass the lag chop until needed.
Awesome idea!
I was modelling the interaction seen on iPhones when you scroll past the last screen of icons on your home screen. Going back to look at this it became apparent my timing of position correction may have been the issue. Correcting values as they 'lagged" was leading to some glitchy camera movements.
Now I am keeping the camera linked to the touch position (no overshoot) until I have confirmed the touch has ended. Once the touch ends I check against position limits and if needed I dynamically set the reset value on my speed chop and pulse the reset parameter. This happens behind the lag chop so it stay really smooth.
Thanks for your insight and I will keep that logic reference idea in my back pocket.