3d Video Projection

Hello everybody. I’m taking a total stab in the dark here and I might be in the wrong place so if I am, I apologize.

About six months ago I saw Amon Tobin’s ISAM display:

I thought it was fantastic. I’m a DJ, I play various forms of electronic music and I study Graphic Design in uni, so visuals, particularly in combindation with music, are something I’m really interested in.

The other day I decided to do a little research in to ISAM. I found an interview with the team who produced the visual display and they said that the software they used to produce it was TouchDesigner.

I’ve pretty much spent all day watching 3D projections on YouTube. I really want to start dabbling in the process.

I can’t find any TouchDesigner 3D projection tutorials online, so basically I wanted to double check to see if I had found the correct software to do what I want to do.

If so, could anybody point me to the correct starting point on where to learn?

If not, could anybody point me in the right direction of some software that I could use?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Yup, you’ve found the correct software! You’ll want to learn the basics of TD first before trying to do projection mapping. Once you know how to use the UI and understand the concepts check our the Kantan Mapper, which is a tool to setup projections.

Link to Kantan Mapper