4k rendering

I am writing from Keio University in Japan where we have some 4k screens available and there is interest in doing something in real time in 4k. I tried to search the forum for posts about 4k, but found nothing. Can anyone speak this?

Hi Marc,

ummm… what’s 4K? :slight_smile:


You need to have FTE Commercial or Pro to render above 1280x1280. If your video card supports it (anything above 8000 series nvidia does, possibly 7000 series too), and you have enough video RAM you can render up to 8Kx8K.

( after a quick google…) Are they the sony 4K ones? Are they a TV or a projection setup?

4096 x 2160 pixels should be do-able. If you have two instances of Touch running on one machine with two graphics cards, you might even be able to do stereo if you have two projectors. :slight_smile:


malcolm and rodney, thanks for the feedback.
rodney, i was discussing this the other day and i havent heard of anyone doing 4k stereo.
d’you know how much it would cost in hardware to do that?
why note surround stereo while we’re at it, hey?

Hi Marc,

If you wanna get really high, NVidia Quadro FX 5800–4.0GB memory, $3,100.
You could have two of those in one machine and tell touch to use one card to render a 4k image for one eye, and dedicate the other card for the other eye. :nerd: . If you wanted to, I don’t know if this would be a realistic approach but it should be possible.

HI Marc,

I saw some high vision stero at Waseda university about ten years ago. They had two 1/2" Hi-vision decks synchronised with a crystal oscilator and hooked up to two big-ass beamers each with a polaroid attached.

The most dramatic was footage from the space shuttle in orbit. The original was mono, but because the earth was turning, simply delaying the image for one eye created a stereo effect. damn it was like being in space! They also had some african wildlife footage where I almost reached out to pat the giraffe on the nose it felt so close.

4k is waay higher resolution. it would be a gas to see and a very japanese thing to do to make a system. Of course the bubble economy budgets are not there but if you can get hold of two screens or two 4k projectors that would not be too mus]ch more to get the computer and graphics cards. My guess would be 1400,0000 yen for a basic setup. :slight_smile:


stereo can be awesome. I am tempted to redo my augmented reality stuff for stereo because manipulating objects on a table is always clunky in mono.


Found out today that Touch will only properly up to 4095 x 4095 for me (when outputting a movie).
This is a a limitation of my Nvidia Geforce GTX 280 card right?


have you tried in real time?


Does it do more when not outputting a movie? If so, then the limitation may be in the quicktime library. I don’t think that that video card is limited to 4K.


wow, I want to see the 4096x4096 rendering, AWESOME!

you can check the max res for your video card with realtech-vr.com/glview/download.html

Click ‘See Details’ under OpenGL on the Summary Page.

my mobile 9800 GTS has 8192x8192 MAX Texture Size, so your beast must have at least that. So if its not the card, interesting it could be Quicktime.

Malcom, are there other video libraries Touch could use? I was thinking about this before because I was rendering .mkv files from After Effects that are not legible(they are not Quicktime) by Touch and wondering if other libraries are possible. Certainly not a feature request, as I’m guessing it’s a lot of work. If its simple then I’d be pro more library support.


there was some info about a quicktime replacement/complement some months ago, try searching the forums/wiki for “libAV”. I remember reading something about setting an environment variable to get it working, but never actually tried it.

the video card does not have such a limitation.

maybe quicktime does or the movie out component.