Hi !
i have some trouble with my code since the last build of TD
The idea its to append new value to my Dat
but before that i need to put the operator DAt parameters rows and cols to 0
then append the new data
but i don’t know why TD don’t want “reset” this parameters
if i make a new text and run it manually with just Dat.par.rows = 0
that work
but in my entire code seems to ignore the commands
maybe im wrong on something but i don’t understand for now …
So here is a simple file for debug i try different approch like don’t give a variable for an op
change the name of the op itself etc …
maybe im wrong but it seems to be a bug ^^
you tell me if im wrong thx BugsFiles.toe (4.44 KB)
The same test file with a new textDat to run manually
if i run it manually that work for all
but in the same case i run it with my button but TD ignore it
i hope its clear() ^^
its look like TD read the if statement before anything else BugsFiles.1.toe (4.52 KB)
ok there is the last file with a last op
i need to cook the table before change is paramters
is that a new thing or an error ? the tableDat don’t cook automaticly ? BugsFiles.3.toe (4.65 KB)
If you set the num rows / cols parameter from a script you will probably need to force a cook before you continue with other commands. It’s DAT.cook(force = True) or smth similar. Check the docs.
A much better workflow is probably using DAT.setSize(numrows, numcols) . This shouldn’t require forcing a cook
Thx Achim for that !
edit: now i use DAT.setSize(0,0) works better and less thing to write
but before that new build i don’t need to force cook and this workflow work good so maybe something has change on some cooking stuff or maybe its a bug that why i post it here i don’t think its normal ^^
Hi Datac0re,
I looked through your examples and it seems to always work in build 27550 which is the latest official.
Can you confirm if is working for you or if you still have a problem can you make a simple case and explain it, you put so many examples above it is hard to follow what is the actual problem.
had the same issue with par.rows = 1 that I used before to clear table leaving header.
It won’t work with the TouchDesigner099.2018.27840.64-Bit, maybe because of TD running at 1fps
Installing older version, will try DAT.setSize( 1, DAT.numCols )instead later