unfortunately I don’t have the staff and the time to create test cases isolated from the files I’m working on, but this is just to say that since I installed the latest, I witnessed:
1 - objects still disappearing from the final render TOP depending on whether or not you are viewing their network in some pane or not. Big problem
2 - alt-e edits a formula, but I’ve had problems getting the changes to “stick” once I :wq from my editor (vi). Often I realised the changes I had made didn’t stick, and I had to alt-e again. I suspect this is tied to where you click, ie. whether or not you hit Enter after you’ve exited the editor or instead click elsewhere, inside or outside the parameter panel (seems to make a difference). I haven’t pinpointed this but it happened 4-5 times already.
3 - TOPs not refreshing. I have added an over operation to a network - now my Out TOP has a green background. I go one level up, look at the Null connected to the output of that network, it’s still with the old background, even when I turn on/off the viewer (there’s no other option to wake up a null). Major problem
4 - DATs still not cooking. I’ve documented and sent that a few days ago, I still have a few menu buttons that don’t do anything because DATs that are not cooking properly (after my button script executes a table command).
5 - I still see the problem that a lot of times when clicking on the bookmark icon, some bookmarks are listed above the menu, some below. Not a biggie, just confusing.
6 - after hitting tab, hitting the first letter of the operator one wants still doesn’t highlight (it used to) the possible choices
7 - some operator sets are still the wrong color (in the “tab” generate menus) - they don’t match the colors of the tiles (i.e. TOPS)
8 - I’m still experiencing problems with right clicking and trying to insert operators. Sometimes it won’t work, I see the insertion point along the connection line, but no floating white box, then when I drop it it will disappear (nothing gets dropped). I haven’t been able to pinpoint this as it happens sporadically.
All in all, cooking problems are by far the most troublesome to me. Everything else can be dealt with, but TOPs and DATs not cooking properly should be a priority in my view.
thanks! I know it’s hard work and a complex (and awesome) piece of software!