Hi Guys, I downloaded the M4L integration pack from the derivative site, but I dont know why the touch project arent opening. Im trying to use it with two computers. Booth computers are seeing each other, but I because I dont have the touch session with examples, I don`t know how to proceed.
I noticed when you first load the Touch project that it opens in perform mode and if you don’t have Ableton synced and playing nothing will be displayed on the screen and you can’t really tell if it’s open. Maybe this is what’s happening. After launching the the Touch project press escape to see the project.
Yeah! You are all rigtht! I was working like a charm!
I investigate it a little bit and I did no understand why just the “hi hat” triggers a flash?
How is done this workflow? I understand that the touch is responding to midi notes, rigth?
I read somewhere else, that signal modulation is sent as OSC, allowing to audio to
modulate visuals at Touch. Is it implemented in that version?
How it works?
I would also like to have some re-clarification on ‘audio_raw’ coming in - I think the impression from the documentation is that the Ableton bridge provides a away to send audio streams over OSC, which I’m pretty sure it does not. The Ableton M4L bridge I have just seems to rout the audio out so you can send it in to your sound card again(rather than the AUDI_RAW being some sort of digital over OSC/ethernet feed)
Ditto the comment about the Audio coming into Touch Designer. The manual makes it sound like it should be happening automatically, but I’m not seeing any response from the audio levels in Touch no matter how I route audio around the example Live set.
Using the latest Touch Designer, Max 6, and Live 8.3.
Spoke too soon, kept looking on the forums, seems it’s setup to receive 4 audio channels from a soundcard, which is why the sends in Ableton are set to 3/4 and 5/6 on your soundcard (aka they should go into another soundcard.
Was hoping for just a direct connection! Maybe in the future.
On that note - I use an ‘optical in’ to transfer from my audio cpu to my TD cpu. Works great as a 2 channel digital input to Touch. It’s the same connector as the ADAT ‘lightpipe’ standard, which can carry quite a few channels IIRC- I’m wondering if I splurge on an audio interface with an optical out (as opposed to the mac mini optical out I use) if it is possible to get more than 2 digital channels into Touch this way … I’m not really clear on how many channels various optical outs are capable of, and even if my mac mini optical out is limited to stereo… I guess the intent of Apple was to carry encoded ‘surround sound’
The second point being- if there is a digital audio connect in this manner- would that make the ‘audio-over-ethernet’ feature moot ? Wouldnt an all-digital audio path have at least as little latency as audio-over-OSC/ethernet ?
Lightpipe uses fiber optic cables (hence its name) to carry data, with Toslink connectors at either end, making them identical to S/PDIF optical cables. However, the data streams of the two protocols are totally incompatible. S/PDIF is mostly used for transferring stereo or multi-channel surround sound audio, whereas the ADAT optical interface supports up to 8 channels at 48 kHz, 24 bit. Recently, Lightpipe devices have been successfully interfaced via FireWire.[2]
Yes you have to jump through hoops with the audio as it is now. Send using one device and receive on another device. I can do this with a single audio box if I set the box to use seperated stereo devices for each set of two devices - only possible using direct sound.
Its the best we can get it for now. Needs improvement and its on the future roadmap…
After using the system this week and getting ready for a show, it’s actually not a big deal at all using a Max Audio → OSC patch on your channels. I feel like its more efficient sending just the data through Max over OSC as you can do it wirelessly and basically to any app you want without headache.
Although I have an RME babyface which has Optical In and Out, so i’m sure if you didn’t like Max (or own it), then you could just pipe the Out to the In and have some easy I/O.