AbletonSync Video Server

The component now has new functionality, it has 3 different types of sync/trigger modes for syncing with Ableton clips and has an auto jog button that maintains the sync between the Ableton clip and the Touch clip automatically.

This is a WIP, I’m posting it now for beta testing although as far as triggering goes it seems to be pretty solid.

Purpose: To be able to trigger and play an audio (or midi) clip in Ableton and trigger an accompanying video clip at the same time in sync. Also to be able to manually trigger and mix video clips.
screengrab2b.jpg (3.21 MB)

-sync video clips with audio clips on 6 tracks in Ableton using up to 24 scenes using 3 different type sync/trigger modes
-sync Ableton’s volume levels with the opacity levels of the 6 tracks (when locked to Ableton)
-sync Ableton’s AB crossfade settings for the 6 tracks along with the master crossfade
-plays clips in free mode by unlocking the track and triggering the slot with the mouse or touchscreen


1 - start the Touch project

2- Add the TryptaPlayerControl1.1 to a midi track in the Ableton set, and assign the 6 desired tracks in the 6 dropdown menus labeled Clip_Tracks. Also assign the master track to the Master menu, choose the IP address and after the Touch project is loaded press Re-Initialize. (Leave the port field alone unless you need to change it where you’ll have to change it in Touch as well in the OSC dat /TryptaPlayer/LiveSync/oscmodule/clip_and_transport.

3- After all the clips in Ableton are set with all their loop points, start positions, and are in there proper slots, stop all clips, press the “Send All Tracks Clip Data” button to send all the clip info to Touch. Wait for orange light to turn off before making any adjustments in Touch or Ableton. If you just need to update a single track after making some changes you can press the corresponding “Send Clips” button for that track only.

4- For tracks meant be used in free mode (manually triggered by mouse or touchscreen) press the L/F button on that track so it reads F. For tracks that are needed to be triggered (Locked) by Ableton press the L/F button so it reads L.

5- Drag and drop any video clips onto desired slots (use corresponding clip slot for the linked clip in Ableton ei. for a clip that is on track 1 scene 3 in Ableton drop the corresponding video onto track1 scene 3 in the Trypta Player.

6- If you know what the BPM of your clip is set it in the top left corner of the clip slot, otherwise leave at zero for it speed to be unaffected by Ableton’s tempo. This applies to both free and locked tracks.

7- for clips with an alpha in the bottom half of the clip, press the A button in the top right corner of the clip slot.

8- There are 3 different modes a clip slot can be in when the track is locked to Ableton all of which are set by the S/H button (Soft/Hard sync)in the bottom right corner of the clip slot.

Soft Sync mode 1 (grey S) - meant to be used when you just want the clip to be triggered at the same time as the Ableton clip. Such as when you have a loop that you want to play continuously while a particular track plays. The clip gets triggered at its true beginning and loops at it’s true end. If you know the tempo of the clip you can set it or you can leave the tempo at zero so the clip is unaffected by tempo changes.

Soft Sync mode 2 (green S) - is meant to be used when you want the cue point to correspond to the play position in the Ableton clip. This is useful if you have a clip composed to a piece of music but you want to change the start time in Ableton. You must set the tempo for this mode to work properly. This mode will not loop properly if the loop points in Ableton are not at the beginning and end of the clip. Use Hard sync if you need to have the ability to loop a section within the full length of a clip.

Hard Sync mode 3(red H) - is meant to be used when you want the cue point to correspond to the play position in the Ableton clip as well as the loop points (set to any positions) to be in sync and want the ability to turn on and off loop arbitrarily (except for once the clip is past the loop). Because of the way the moviein TOP works and the Ableton clips work, two player were needed to be able to play a movie outside and inside of a loop, therefore this mode uses more memory than the other two locked modes and free mode. This mode can be used for the following reasons:

   - If you have a song (audio and video) and your going to loop a section during your performance. The clip can start out with loop on (in Ableton) and then you can switch loop off and the clips will stay in sync. 
  - If you have a song (audio and video) and your not sure if your going to loop a section during your performance. This way you can turn on loop in that section or before it, not after.
   -If you have a looping track and you want to have the Play Start position to be different than the Loop Start/End positions.

You must set the tempo for this mode to work properly.

8- When a synced track is triggered it is actually not synced by driving the index it is just triggered at the same time as the Ableton clip and changing its speed according to the Ableton tempo. (I found this is the only way to get perfectly smooth playback of a clip).
There are two modes to compensate for drift - Manual and Auto Jog modes which can be set at the bottom of the player under the Jog sliders. When set to Auto you don’t have to do anything. If set to Manual, you need to move the jog slider to jog the tempo of the clip when the green marker moves off of the red marker, in the opposite direction. I have left manual mode available for now until Auto mode can be fully trusted.

9- Middle click a clip to remove it

  1. If you make any changes to any of the existing clips in Ableton or add new clips. You must send the clip data again to Touch to update all the settings.

  2. Press play on clip in Ableton! The clip will light up green in Touch and then red when playing.

The whole interface is designed to be used with a touch screen so all the sliders and buttons are large. Also this is just a beta version so there is a whole fx section missing and no mapping or output routing.


  • if in Hard sync mode and you press loop after clip has played past it’s loop end the clip will not be in sync.
  • if in Hard sync mode and you change tempos while the clip is playing before the loop end point (whether looping or not) the clip will no longer be in sync after the loop end point. Tempo changes work fine if you don’t have to exit the loop or change tempos after the loop ends or in any other mode.
    -when switching a track from Free to Lock and there are a number of clips set to Hard sync on that track, Touch will chug for a second
    -088 only, I’ve tried to get it working in 077 but there seems to be some sort of problem loading 088 containers in 077

To Do:

  • get the M4L device to send out updated clip data upon request from Touch
  • make clip settings page beside output window in order to have more definable parameters for each clip when that clip is selected.
  • track effects/transform/settings page
  • master effects/settings page
  • drag and drop Touch component feature onto clip slot so a Touch component can be triggered rather than movie
  • refine L/F switch method so Touch doesn’t chug when switching from Free to Lock when there are a number clips in H mode on that track.
    -remove feature to have to select the Master track in the Player control
  • generally clean up project.

If anyone has any ideas on how to improve this comp and or any functionality to add I would really appreciate hearing them. Also I’m looking for any feedback on any problems, there are so many combinations and orders of setting settings it has been difficult to find everything that doesn’t work.


Genius. You’re the man!

Thanks Elburz, I thought this had to be shared. I’ll add some more features over time. At one point maybe I’ll make it so it jogs the time automatically to stay in sync (it now does this), although I find I really only have to do it once or twice in a track, usually once at the beginning for sure.

I hope some Touch/Ableton users out there find it useful


Does this require any software besides ableton and Touch?

Hi, no just Ableton and TD - 088 though. I can’t get 077 to run it.

Also I’ve always got new versions let me know if you need it. There is a bug in the posted version where soft sync modes 1 and 2 don’t recall their cuepoint properly if you start - stop - start a clip.

Awesome stuff!

It would be cool if instead of having the tracks in ableton predetermined you could sync the filenames of the audio file and the video file…

so say you keep the 6 track model you have going now… but you dont have to have any audio loaded… you could just make a table which correlated the audio filename to a video filename… so that no matter what slot in ableton you dragged your audio the correct video file would pop up in touch…

this would make it easier to change up ableton sets and would also make it so that you do not have to worry if the video for said audio track is in the correct slot in touch

just a thought :mrgreen:

awesome server!

Thanks, ya my brother and I were contemplating switching back to the naming method also. I used a naming system for last years player but found having to maintain a specific naming system not the best either. Now though I think your right after working with the server for a bit. It would be easier if they were linked by name not location and yeah that would be really nice if the Touch clip followed the ableton clip for it’s location. In about a month I’ll be able to put some more time into it - I’ve also got a bunch more features and improvements planned…

Hope it works we’ll for you


That would be super cool to go back to the naming method :smiley:

I use the ill gates style ableton setup when i play live so i have a ton of tracks preloaded in the session but I only use 4-8 tracks to play them on… so throughout the set I will go through a ton of songs but the “decks” i drag the tracks onto remain the same…

Im sure you have seen the ill gates templates as you guys are well versed in everything ableton as well…

seems like it could be a really powerful tool for playing live