About to POP with anticipation

I hope everyone is doing very well and enjoying exploring there operators. Seeing some of the lucky folks in the community exploring the beta containing the wonderful looking POPs leads to this question. For my two prized commercial TouchDesigner licenses I have cherished for these 12 years, I wish to establish a budget for a year of updates for both to be spent the instant an experimental or official with POPs is released. When this happens I will dive deep into POPs as well as RayTK, Flow3D, T3D, AI and TouchDesigner and a few other integrations and explorations I have been hanging tight on for the big release date. You might just hear more of me on Facebook, Discord and around town when Iā€™m exploring this fun. Now to my question. Does anyone have line of sight on a prospective date on when POPs will be available to us node explorers. All the best to you all. Rob :heart: