I’m a complete newbie – day one literally!
I have ‘essential tremors’ in my hands. These manifest in your wrists. Consequently I use a marble mouse because I can plant my wrist on the desk to keep it stable and move the marble with my fingers. (Works great!) My left hand is much better than my dominant right hand so I only use my left hand for mousing. I currently have a Logitech T-BC21, which has been working well for me, but no middle mouse button or scroll wheel. It has two option buttons, one of which I’ve mapped to enable scrolling. But according to the tutorial I’m working through (tried to include link but forum won’t let me) I should be able to scroll inside of a component (the ‘geo1’ component in the default network). I haven’t been able to accomplish that.
Surely there are work-arounds, and I would be very grateful for suggestions!