Hi there,
Wondering if anyone from the community could help, also in contact with tounchdesigner support to help also,
basically trying to add a new key to one of my university computers, it comes up an error message that me and an IT guy from my uni have been trying to fix, I will attach the image of error message to this message, unfortunately following the instructions of the error message to try and fix this it still doesn’t work,
wondering if anyone has had anything similar and were able to fix this?
Any help greatly appreciated,
Many thanks,
Hi Luke
Sorry you’re running into issues - this sometimes comes up on university computers.
Can you let us know which version of macOS you’re on?
Does the folder at /Library/Application Support/ca.derivative exist? Create it manually if not. Do you get any errors running the commands in the Terminal?
If the folder exists and the commands complete without error, please could you run the following two lines in Terminal and paste the output:
ls -ld /Library/Application\ Support/ca.derivative
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/ca.derivative
Hi there,
Thankyou for your response and help, Ive attached the “about my Mac” part below as a screenshot, hopefully that gives you enough information about the university Mac, please let me know if you need any other information,
Im not quite as handy as the IT person who was helping me yesterday though he was talking me through what he was trying and was confused as the commands he was trying were completing though not changing anything,
I will try and paste this code you’ve gave me in the terminal and hopefully something changes,
Many thanks,
Thanks - to be clear, those commands will not make any changes, but will give us more information - so you should run them then paste the output here for us.
Your image didn’t come through - maybe a forum issue. I’ve just increased your forum privileges if you want to try again.
To be honest Im just having issues with running this, its not something I’ve really done before, looking at tutorials and stuff so hopefully should run this for you,
sorry about that, will try image again thanks,
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To give a bit more detail, open Terminal from /Application/Utilities (or hit command-space and type Terminal), which will open a window with a text prompt. Copy the two lines (exactly and completely) from my post above, and paste them into the window and then press the return key.
That should give you a few lines of output - use the mouse to select those (or everything with command-A) and then copy them and paste them into a reply here.
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thank you appreciate the help, this is the code that showed once I followed your instructions,
Last login: Tue Jan 21 09:11:37 on console
student@Art-Studio-1 ~ % ls -ld /Library/Application\ Support/ca.derivative
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/ca.derivative
drwxrwxr-x 2 root admin 64 16 Jan 11:51 /Library/Application Support/ca.derivative
total 0
student@Art-Studio-1 ~ %
Thanks. The license installation should work if done with an administrator account. You will probably need the help of your IT department again to do this. Get them to log in to the machine using an administrator account, launch TouchDesigner, and then use your details to activate the license. They only need to do this once, then it will be usable under any account.
Sorry it’s so complicated - we’re looking at ways to make this easier for shared computers in future.