Adding controlled audio FX on .WAV files

I am wondering if it is possible to add audio fx like reverb, distortion, echo, delay, etc to .wav files in a way similar to how when you open the menu for a .wav there is a slider for speed (0-10). Is it possible to have a reverb slider or anything like that without using Ableton or Bitwig? I can’t figure anything like this out. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Delay is easy to obtain using delay chop, as for equalisation and compression.
For other fx (reverb, distortion, echo etc.) you can now use audio vst chop with free and paying vst filters available on many website.

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I highly recommend the SurgeXT family of VSTs.

They have independent effects versions and also very flexible synthesizers that you can drive directly from TD if you want to generate audio directly.

Best of all, it’s totally free.

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