But I’m locked with the free version resolution, which gives me an error in my constant when I multiply the x divisions by the z divisions of my box for the res of my constant, I made the divisions in my box smaller and the error went away, but I still don’t have the banana repeating in sequence as it should after the feedback TOP.
Any idea why? Any help will be very appreciated.
The major step you’re missing here is adding the sort SOP. This helps you organize your points in a way that’s similar to how we need to think abut the organization of pixels. Take a look in the instances portion of this tox to see what I changed: project1.tox (4.42 KB)
Jesus Christ you are amazing! Thanks a lot for your time and looking into this. This is very helpful. Hope soon I’ll contribute back to this beautiful community!
Hello there,
Im trying to re-make the same thing again for learning purposes and my feedback loop inside process wont trace to the left anything, the tops Im feeding into the fit stay static in the far right of the feedback loop. I compared all the operators to the one I got working and they all have the same pars, is there an order of connecting things in the feedback loop? I already added the sort sop to the box, retried all the feedback process and I still have no movement repetition/transformation applied in the negative width space…
Sorry for the late reply - I was in deep on another project.
Okay… to get started trouble shooting it’s good to think through what we’re actually after.
In our case, each instance corresponds to a pixel. So, we should first check to make sure that we have matching number of samples in our sop to chop, and our top to chop.
Currently they’re different lengths:
sopto = 38,400 samples
topto = 36,270 samples
We can fix this by looking at the resolution of our constant1 in project1__1_/Procesos.
Thanks for the tutorials, they are super helpful and easy to follow for the most part. I seem to be stuck in the middle of part 3, as my circle doesn’t go across the whole box and looks like it is going the wrong way. Any insight into this would be much appreciated.
So this does look mostly right to me - I am noticing that your box is not aspect correct, but if you change the width and height to match your divsx and divsy the aspect elements are corrected.
It also looks like it’s headed the “right” direction - as in +z is the present state of your input and -z is the past. Your camera is low and at an angle, but that should be just fine.
One note here is that you’re not yet using a material - so the shading of your instances is affected by the placement of your light. If you apply a constant material to your geo1 that seems to make a difference in the appearance of your render.
Does that all make sense / get you moving in the right direction?
That advice definitely got the shape to look right, but now I’m having trouble with the actual flow of the circle through the box. Right now it seems to pulse correctly, but I can’t figure out how to have each image show separately like you do.
I only had a few minutes to look through this, but I think there are a few things that will help:
it still looks like your width and height are slightly different than your divisions, cleaning that up helped make sure things were correctly lined up.
next it looks like your box geometry for instancing is not uniform in scale, The z size is much longer than x and y creating some distortion.
Let me know if you’re still stuck and I’ll pass along a toe file.