What is a good text editor?
Sublime is really 80$ ?
Notepad is compromised by hackers ?
having trouble getting Atom to launch due to the hidden way it installs.
notepad ++?
I use Sublime, as it is, well, sublime.
Pycharm is excellent.
I use Notepad++ I just use it for Python in Touch, so I didn’t really need anything fancy. I don’t think it includes GLSL, though, so if you’re doing that you’re just gonna get plain text which is not ideal.
thanks all. I meant to say ‘notepad++ is compormised by hackers?’ but I guess that hole has been patched.
Don’t forget to use the custom TouchDesigner GLSL syntax highlighting package! It installs user area instead of ‘Program Files’ if I am not mistaken. If you have problems recommend uninstall - reinstall.
atom gets installed into
I use that path for external editor
then Touchdesigner wont launch it. i get ‘error opening editor’ .
I actually would recommend Microsoft Visual Studio Code. It’s free and works very well. I have tried both Sublime and Atom, and have moved over to Code.