Hi there,
i am pretty new with touch designer. and was wondering if its possible to animate a sequence of TOPS
Is this possible or will i have to render my crops in to a folder to be able to animate with movie in?
Thank you so much
Hi there,
i am pretty new with touch designer. and was wondering if its possible to animate a sequence of TOPS
Is this possible or will i have to render my crops in to a folder to be able to animate with movie in?
Thank you so much
hi @patblader, welcome to the forum!
you certainly can. See quick example attached. It uses an LFO CHOP (going from 0-1) via a Math CHOP (converting those 0-1 values to a range of 0 - 3) to control a Switch TOP. You can feed that output to a Movie File Out TOP to render your animation to a movie file.
animate_TOPs.tox (734 Bytes)
Also see the many examples under Help → Operator Snippets.
Some nice ones you’ll like under TOP → Switch TOP
Hello, For me it would be easier to crop the full image in separate numbered files and play it as sequence. Easier is in photoshop but you can do it in TD.
A little bit of simple math and the cropanimator is born:
crop_animator.tox (750 Bytes)
You can then use for example an LFO or Timer in combination with a mathCHOP and of you go.
thanks all for the quick answer its very helpful, i am actually trying to get my frames form live video that i will crop to create the individual frames.
Thank you so much