Animating Temperature Data for Circle Instancing in TouchDesigner

Hello TD community!

I need to create a script that continuously updates the values in one of my DAT tables to reflect changes in building temperature data. My goal is to convert this data into a CHOP (or another suitable format) to generate a moving animation or dynamic diagram. I don’t have real-time data for now. I am only trying with random values. Eventually, I want to use this data for instancing, creating dynamic circles whose sizes change based on the temperature values. One challenge I’m facing is how to control the speed of these value changes and how to properly convert the changing DAT table into a CHOP that produces a dynamic, time-based diagram. I am facing errors in instancing too “all ops must have same length” while they do have the same length, but they just constantly change values. They also have specific positions based on the building map. Am I on the right track with this approach? I would appreciate any kind of hint! I am really struggling. :)))

Just a very small update that apparently the instancing doesn’t work because the cooking time between the position data and the dynamic temperature data do not synch even though the length of the samples are the same.
tempdata.toe (73.7 KB)

Hi @gorbe,

if an instancing setup is reporting that ops don’t have the same length, there is a good chance that they don’t have the same length. Could you post a file where you see this error?

For controlling the rate of change of the circle size, check out the Filter CHOP and it’s ability to “Filter per Sample”.
