I was wondering if there’s a way to better optmize the Animation COMP, I have a 30 min show, so the range of the Animation Comp is about 105k frames with a lot of varibles. Originally I was going to do the right click “Parameter > Keyframe Parameter In” and I have it run with Use Input Index with a Timer that controlled other UI stuff as input. I soon found that every channel I added to the Animation Comp would slow down the patch by 5 frames.
Right now I’m using the workaround of Output Full Range, having a Lookup CHOP with a timer fraction as the input, then opening up the Lookup CHOP in a CHOP Viewer Panel on the side and exporting it back to the Parameter as I add New Ones. It works but it’s just a lot of extra steps, and I can’t see the Playhead in the Animation Editor. Is there a better way or is this just the only to do it right now? If that’s the only way currently, could there be an update on the Animation COMP for better optimization?
do you know at what approximate channel count you could see the performance decrease?
If the channels are still named in the same format of “operator:parameter” then you could use a Null CHOP at the end of your branch and set the Export Method parameter on the Common Page to “Channel Name is Path:Parameter”. Now turn on the export flag on the Null CHOP and new channels should automatically find their destination.
I’m wondering though if the slowdown is from the Animation COMP or because the Animation COMP is making pretty much every operator that it exports to cook?
Any more information for us to reproduce the issue is very welcome!
Thanks, I’ll try that as well, but I think the issue is with the ! (Also another request I forgot to make in the original post is perhaps folders or ways to reorder the keyframes.)
It decreased even with one channel count, the issue isn’t the export, the workaround I made with the lookup works fine. If I plug an upticking frames input to run it with Use Input Index, that’s when it slows. I ran a performance check and it is indeed the Animation COMP, namely the Keyframe CHOP it was a long bar of green, unless making others cook counts as .
There was also a weird issue that occured first that made me look into it, I turned off all the OP viewers and for some reason it actually slowed down the program by about 15 frames, and I could not get it back up even if I turned the OP viewers back on.
There was also some weird issues with renaming, for example when I double clicked the name on accident and clicked away something like switch2:index would change to switch2, when I clicked it again it would count up every time. I could send the patch if you want to look at it, but it might be a bit messy.
OK I’ve actually found the reason performance drop, It’s because for my Animation COMP custom End Range I referenced the amount of frames in a AudioFileIn CHOP, so what I think is happening is it’s forcing the timeline to redraw the timeline every time a frame ticks.
I will use a CHOPExecute DAT to change the timeline range instead.
I will also check to see if that also fixes the name change as well.