Animation editor deletes picked and display headings

I’ve finally been able to consistently isolate a problem where the “picked” and “display” column headings will get set to “1” in the channels DAT inside of an animation COMP.

If you accidentally shift click an empty channel in the channel selector on the left side of the animation editor then the “picked” and “display” columns will now be set to “1”. Sounds like a script is writing to the first row when should start at index 1…

Still haven’t been able to consistently make happen but every once in a while the undo/redo operations are still getting messed up in the animation editor. Sometimes at one point I’ll hit undo to do a keyframe change and old changes will get undone not necessarily in order… The only way I’ve found to stop this behavior from happening is to quit Touch and restart the app.

Thanks, I see the problem here too, will look into it!

This will be fixed in 17000+