Animation/keyframe selection grid not visable inside animation comp [HELP]

the animations still work, however i can no longer edit them, i have multiple animation comp’s yet this is the only one i’m having issues with.

i hope i have just selected something by mistake but if anyone knows how to make the grid visible again please let me know - I have a uni project due in the next few days and i’m stressing. thanks!


there’s some stuff that’s really odd here.

The range settings in your Time block (down left) are outside the bounds of the Start and End times. I don’t think this is a valid time configuration. It looks like somehow the root.time of your project has gotten mangled, or at least the connection between root.time and this animationCOMP.

Speaking mostly for myself, if I am setting up a system that uses the animationCOMP, I try to Add Component Time to the COMP that all my animation is happening in, and then drive the animation COMP from that instead of root.time.

Are all your animations happening inside a parent COMP? Ie: /project1? If so, I’d be curious to see if you can resolve this by adding component time to that COMP and setting the range bounds to what you have set up here. 1 to 199927 or thereabouts. Save your project and make a backup first.

hey, thanks for your response, I tried what you suggested and have set my start end times to the correct values but nothing has changed, I really can’t understand what’s happened as I have 6 more animation COMP’s in the project which are running as normal :confused:


The problem isn’t necessarily that your ranges were messed up. You shouldn’t be able to set those ranges in the first place. The fact that you were able to points to an issue between your animation COMP and root.time, which I’m assuming you have all your animationCOMP set to inherit time from.

Is it possible to post the project someplace for us to look at?

I was able to get my time block to look like yours by setting the range values using the in/out point flags in the animation editor, saving and then restarting:

however, my animation comp still works. are there any error flags on the ailing AnimationCOMP?