any format for 10bit, 12bit, 16bit video?


I require more than 8bit video playback. Unfortunately the amount of moving images I need, won’t allow me to use image sequences.
Is there any video format I can use to get more than 8bit video playback in touchdesigner?

Not sure if this is useful for your case, but there’s the Pack TOP to convert 32-bit textures to 8-bit textures in larger resolution, and back again. To retrieve correct values this setup requires a lossless codec like Animation for the videofiles.

Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunately we are creating animated uv map to remap in touchdesigner, and I don’t think I’m able to pack it in AE or Nuke.

I could maybe try using exr sequences in touchdesigner, pack those and save them to 8-bit video.

I’m running into issues unpacking the rendered file.

I have saved the packed data to a video file with animation codec. I read the video correctly, but the packing node just returns a black image. But if I pack and unpack, just to test my unpacking settings, the data is correctly unpacked. What am I doing wrong? I don’t notice any difference between the realtime packed image and the packed video on disk.

I understand now that all four RGBA channels need to be written to disk.

This is not an ideal workflow, but it’ll do for now (at least until we get 16-bit video). Thanks

I’m not sure if any lossy compressed video format would work well for a UV map though. There are 10 and 16-bit compressed formats out there sure as Cineform. However I think the UV map wouldn’t work well if it’s using any lossy compression.
Using .exr is likely a good solution. You don’t need to use the Pack TOP, it can do 16-bit float directly. I’ve also optimized it quite a bit for real-time playback. You can turn up the ‘Num Pre-Read Frames’ to increase performance.

I’m hitting performance issues very quickly when I use multiple exr-sequences at the same time at 1080p. I own the Commercial license, so I don’t have access to Cineform playback.

Cineform is available in Commercial now, however I still don’t think it’s what you want for UV maps.
How are you playing back the .exr files? What kind of SSD do you have?


I believe that Animation Codec is 8-bit per channel. So it might not provide the necessary data fidelity for your UV data.

When I’ve baked UV data into animations in the past using Nuke, I wound up using exr and tiff sequences.

edit: just looked back at the project I was testing this with. I wound up using exr sequences. Using the RG and BA channels separately with a GLSL TOP I was able to store and read UVs for 2 different textures in a single sequence. :slight_smile:

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I just ran into similar.
I’m aware that ProRes does not work with TouchDesigner and Cineform should be a good alternative to get a high color depth. I need at least one channel with at least 12 Bit brightness steps (best 16 Bit).
This is my approach coming from after effects: High color depth from After Effects to TouchDesigner - YouTube

As you can see in the end of the video, TouchDesigner tells me something dfferent than mediaInfo about color depth. Is there a way to display all channels’ color depth infos
or is there a codec with 16 Bit I don’t know?