Any good options for an interactive wall projection

Howdy everyone,

I was wondering what kind of tricks people are using to make interactive wall projections? I’ve seen rotating lidar but a Leuze seems too expensive for me just dicking around in my basement. Multiple kinects looks promising but i’m having trouble making it accurate. Anyone here found any cheat codes to solving this problem?

Can you say a little more about what you’re trying to achieve? Some solutions fit better than others, so having a sense of what you’re up to can help give folks a nudge in the right direction.

Can make a cheap laser plane and then use and IR camera to find highlights when something breaks the beam. Lots of touch tables use this method.

Saw this recently … anner.html
But you’ll have to figure out how to get the data into TD.

The is the Hokuyo CHOP now which supports a scanner that is much cheaper than Leuze, but still around $1000usd. Works very well. … okuyo_CHOP

I actually just got this working and it’s great. I used an Arduino to control the motor and take in data and am sending the data through USB Serial to Touch. Will be posting code soon on Github. Here’s a video of it used for a floor mapping outside my house. works great on walls too!
[video]Lawn Lidar Test - YouTube

Cool result,
Just picked up one of these and was wondering how to pull it off, glad to know the Arduino way is worth it.
I want to try it on an ESP and see if I can go wireless. serial always feels a bit flakey