any way to import objs dynamically?

I like the drag and drop of .obj files into Touch, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to
make that dynamic.

basically if I write out an obj - say from Maya - I’d like to have a Touch file that upon loading
updates it.

Right now it seems that Touch creates the Import folder (which is kind of a drag because depending on where touch started from it ends up cluttering your drive if you’re just drag dropping to see what happens…) - which is not dynamic of course.

Are there plans to make obj importing automatic, and without the extra disk files (ie using the virtual file system). If so, it would also be nice if there was an extra node which merges all the groups into one again (with groups assigned).


Our .obj importer came for free with the FBX importer. The FBX library automatically convetrs the obj file to an fbx file (internally), and that’s how I see it. So currently there isn’t any way to directly import obj files, they need to be converted to .togs by the FBX importer (and saved somewhere, hence the Import directory).