I’ve noticed that sometimes - quite often in fact - I exit the three instances of Touch I have running, and there will be a SVCHOST.exe process running and taking up quite a bit of memory. If I get back into the program, pipes (touch in/outs) don’t seem to work properly, and one of my touch instances seems to work only until I don’t draw its interface, at which point it starts crawling to 1 frame per 3/4 seconds.
The only way I can fix this is reboot the computer.
How are you exiting them? Pressing the X (or using File Exit) will clean up the pipes as Touch shuts down. If you close it more drastically (like by clicking the X in the black text console window) won’t clean the pipes.
The slowdowns don’t make any sense really though, not sure what’s going on there.
And a further note on Malcolm’s comments, right-clicking on TouchDesigner in the task bar and selecting “Close Group” is the same as clicking the X in the black console window. (This only happens when you have the task bar set to group application windows). Both of these methods of closing Touch will not properly close down the network pipes and it is very common to have connecting issues if you then try to restart TouchDesigner. So always use the X in the main TouchDesigner window or select File>Quit TouchDesigner when using pipes.