Architectural Viz?

Hello folks,

I am wondering how strong TD would be in the architectural visualization space? Can it create realistic 3D renders of an architectural scene? Would it allow realtime manipulation of objects and/or surfaces within the scene? Would realtime control of the camera be possible? I believe the answer to the last 2 would be ‘yes’ but I’m not sure about the first.

How would TD compare to something like Unity3D for interactive realtime architectural visualization?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I had some project in that field, sadly it got stuck and we stopped(only due to lack of motivation of my co-workers). It is definitely possible.
But the question really is: what is it you are after? If it’s just standard architectural visualization, for commercial projects, where you can walk throught the thing in realtime, well…
Then it IS an ego-shooter. Regarding photo realistic rendering: I don’t know if you know the unreal engine 4 tec demos(amazing!), but this is something we can not do in Touch without having a huge amount of expertise and time(anybody disagreeing?).
On the other hand, if you have some crazy ideas about interfacing the thing, manipulating the thing, then TD is probably a good idea. However, since you are not sure if we can move the camera in 3d space in TD(which we can of course), you seem to be a beginner.
I’m not sure what to suggest here.
Lastly, time will come, hardware accelarated rendering is getting really interesting… photrealistic rendering might arrive in TD in the future too. jeez that would be so cool.