Artefacts on instanced particle field

Hi there

I have been playing around with geometry instancing, and arrived to something I actually start liking a lot, however, I cannot get rid of some apparent image artefacts from the rendered output.

You see these curves appearing, especially on the top right corner of in the middle towards the bottom.

I am generating a (1000x1000) noise field, which then goes into an instancing network of cubes (again, 1000x1000). The noise field’s pixel intensities are used to tz translate and scale the cube. The whole thing is rendered to 1280*720 . I suspected that the artefacts might have to do with the mismatch between the resolutions, but changing it didn’t help. Also tried with different anti-aliasing, but that failed too. Do you have any ideas what else I could also try or pay attention to?

the TDforum wouldn’t let me include screenshots or attach the patch because I’m a new user, but I’ll try to add these in the comments…


hey @elder_pogs , welcome to the forum!

And congrats, you managed to make Moiré patterns! Some people have to work for days to create these, and you just got them for free! :wink:

Adding or removing this from your output is a study in itself, but while you take a deep dive into that, you can already quickly experiment with adding a tiny, tiny bit of noise to the instances and/or full image.


Adding noise after the render node give the whole thing a superb analogue vibe and also helped with the patterns, although they are still a bit visible. I am nevertheless really liking the change, thanks for the tip! And also for the term MoirePatterns, I was searching for what these are called, but wasn’t exactly successful. Now I have a lead, cheers:)