Everyone, thanks for having me. Im very new to TD. My background is production design, and video engineering. I have a modest grasp of networking, but am by no means a rockstar. I wanted to ask anyone listening about the issues Im running accross with trying to read an ArtNet feed from a GrandMA 2 lighting console (malighting.com/en.html). Its Artnet IP stream is I have a windows PC running windows 7 and 077 build of TD. I have the DMXin CHOP open with-in TD. I’ve set the Net field with the GrandMA artnet address of, and the subnet . I have the lighting console doing a chase of 32 channels on a loop. My windows machine sees the data packets from the artnet stream via a network sniffer. when I fade to black on the lighting console, the stream stops. So I know the data is reaching the computer, I do believe my issues are within TD. Can anyone shed some light on maybe what Im doing wrong inside TD or if I dont have my DMXin Chop set up right? Any responses are appreciated. The one question I did have is, when I put a new IP in the DMXin Chop, how do I know I’ve updated the IP, is there a save function, or update function? or is it automagical? thanks!!!
Hey Chris,
One thing that’s confusing about the DMX/ArtNet protocol is the concept of Net/Sub-Net/Universe. The net and sub-net are not related to the network IP address or sub-net mask, although they may sound like they should be.
Net is a number between 0-127 (not an IP address)
Sub-Net is a number between 0-15 (not a subnet mask)
Universe is a number between 0-15
Usually the ArtNet sender will broadcast it’s data to IP address This sends the data to all the machines on the switch, and each machine picks out the art-net data it’s interested in using the ArtNet Net/Sub-Net/Universe tag that each packet of data will have.
It’s also possible for the ArtNet sender to send it’s data directly to a computer, in which case the IP address will be set to the receivers IP address.
So in the DMX In CHOP, the only ethernet setting you can change is the ‘Network Port’, which changes which port the CHOP will listen on for ArtNet data (coming either through broadcast or direct packet/unicast). Once it has data coming in it will decide if that data is what it’s interested in using the Net/Subnet/Universe settings, which should match what the sender is tagging it’s data with.
Hope that helps, let me know if you need more assistance.
Thanks a bunch. Got the Chop DMXin with artnet singing its 32 channels. My next mission is to sniff out IP commands for a Vista Systems Spyder X20:
vistasystems.net/video-proce … tcher.aspx
be able to assign, an artnet lighting console value, and trigger presets that are within the spyder console. (all IP based). IM sure I’ll be doing a lot of reading.
eg. Artnet - DMX Channel 1 at 10% would trigger preset 1 on the spyder. and DMX Channel 32 @ 100% would be the Take command. What are your thoughts on this?