

Ive tried to capture Artnet signal with the UDP in dat component, but with no luck…

I have 3 machines running:

chamsys pc
Visualizer pc
Touch/wireshark macbook

ive set it up so its on the same subnet and all that yadda yadda, so the lighting console and the visualizer works out of the box no problem.

now, when i start wireshark, i can see all artnet packages on a UDP protocol.
i also tried OSC and saw the same results in wireshark.

in touch, i captured osc with the udp in component with no problem.
But why cant i catch the artnet packages?

keep in mind that i am no ultra super dude at advanced networking, but is there a solution for this?

feel free to open the attached zip and open it in wireshark, maybe the solution lies within the package. (257 Bytes)

Do you have the format set to One Row Per Byte. Since TD doesn’t know the packet format of ArtNet, you’ll need to output it as individual bytes to parse out the information you need.

sorry for late reply…

i found the problem, the lighting software did not output 100% correct packages. I edited the settings and now i got the packages in touch.

The problem now is that the package is shown as a ascii formatted dat. I dont know how to convert it to hex and dec.

but i got it parse all the channels as i wanted, i just need to convert the values :wink:

Would you be so kind to share your solution to receive artnet with us?
Thanks so much

I will post it as fast as i pick this project up again. Lots of work now, so 3 weeks.

Found how to receive artnet, very simple actually. Just an UDPin, port to 6454, one row per byte and max lines set to 512. Done

In the new experimental build there is actually a new DMX In CHOP that should be able to do all this work for you.

Already tried it, and it works… :slight_smile:

Maybe I’v been too fast, How to select universe? I need to read the heather as well.
If someone has done this already please share,(saves time) otherwise I will have a look…

You select the universe on the universe parameter in the dmx in chop. Starts from 0 - 255(?) i think.

Universe 0 is also an working universe in artnet.


Just downloaded new version with DMXin, But when there is a lot of traffic on the network I get a constant error signal on the CHOP

What does the error say?

Hi All,

I’m trying to send artnet with the dmxoutChop and an oxo-artnet node ( … erter.aspx).

For monitoring I use Artnetominator.

I see TD sending artnet to my networkcard (monitored), but it doesn’t get out the pc via the OXO-node.
Anyway, I think it’s a protocoll issue, because with this set-up I can send artnet out via the OXO device with Chamsys Magic Q on PC.

This same problem I found when trying to send artnet with Max Msp via this OXO-node.
What should be the problem here?

thanks a lot!
