ASIOdevicein inconistent

I’m having some problems with the ASIOdevicein chop.

  • Channels are not staying consistent, inputs are not staying on the same number when reloading Touch. For example if I have audio coming in on physical channels 3/4 they might appear as 3/4 the first time Touch is loaded but then next time they might be 19/20 (today I had 1/20)

  • when first loading an ASIOdevicein only two channels appear, the project must be saved and reloaded in order to get all the channels to appear

Also I have a suggestion that may have already been considered but I think I should mention it anyways in case it hasn’t been.

A page added to choose which channels appear in the chop when an Asio device is selected. Right now I have an interface that has 20 channels but I only really use 2-6 of them in Touch.

Oh yeah I’m using a Focusrite Saffire Pro40 interface.


Is there an ASIO device Derivative have been testing with? If it behaves nicely so far, I might buy one soon since I am planning to get into this more in the near future.

Heej Keith,

indeed got the same problem 3/4 chann 1 day next reload its 17/18 …i guess (75% sure) Touch is switching between de 8 ADAT en the 8 Analog inputs…

it has to different sets in my Analyze chop

channs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 1,2,15,16,17,18,19,20

specially if you turn on/off cooking he randoms channels

What device are you testing this with at Derivative?

If you get good consistent behaviour with a particular device, at least we know we can get that model.
