Hello everybody!
I am a super fresh user of the TouchDesigner, and I am so sorry for the silly and naive question.
So, I need to attach a picture ( video )from nullTOP to a renderTOP in the geometry. I know it is possible because I used to do it, I used smth like a node witch put this 2d picture or video in 2d coordinate axis but I lost it.
if you need the pic to be on the mesh, you will need to use it as a texture in the GeoCOMP
otherwise, you can use the CompositeTOP to composite an image with another one
I don’t need the picture as a texture. I need that this picture ( a man ) became a geometry ( x,y, just 2d ) and after that, I attach it to render node and this donat will be replaced by this shape of a man.
Ok. So you will need a grid sop or a rectangle sop on which you will use your picture as a texture (use alpha blending to make the alpha transparent). And use it in another geo comp d’or it to render it in you render top
You can’t put a simple image in the geo World.
Or as i said, use a composite top After the render.
If I understand correctly, you are looking for the traceSOP operator, which generate a geometry from an image: https://docs.derivative.ca/Trace_SOP
Once your geometry generated with the TraceSOP, use a geometryCOMP to get it rendered as @Gallo mentionned earlier .