Attach LFO to parameter?

Hi I’m trying to connect the LFO CHOP to the Exponent control of Noise TOP. I added a Chop To, but whenever I drag the Chop To onto the Exponent control I get an error. Does anyone know the proper way to do this?

Follow up question I want to have control over how much the LFO output is modulating the Exponent parameter. I want to limit the range. Should I do this in the LFO? Should I do this with a CHOP after the LFO? Should I do this in the Chop To? Or should I do this in the Noise TOP?

Thanks in advance!

to make a reference with drag and drop, click the tiny dot on the furthest lower right of the lfoCHOP to make its viewer active. Then drag it onto the noise parameter you wish to control and you will get the option to export that information, make a python reference, or push the timesliced value.

you are asking the right questions… there are always many ways to achieve the results you want. I’m not sure what you are using the choptoTOP for, but its likely not doing what you want it to… it will only convert your CHOP data to pixel data

  • you could adjust the amplitude of the LFO and offset it til it gets to the range you want
  • you could put a math chop after the lfo and scale the range there
  • you could use the tdu.remap or tdu.clamp python modules built into touchdesigner.
tdu.remap(op('lfo1')['chan1'], 0, 1, 0, 7)
  • you could scale the normalized lfo value in parameter by multiplying it against, say, the normVal of
op('lfo1')['chan1'] * me.curPar.normMax

Always lots of ways to skin the cat. Sticking to operators and doing it with the mathCHOP
is likely the easiest answer you’re looking


Thank you so much! I will try the math CHOP