Hi. When I export my movie with audio, I get a click at the beginning and at the end.
My audio file even have a small fade in and fade out to avoid this but it’s still here.
Typical practice is to reference your audiofilein CHOP in your moviefile OUT chop instead of au_out so try that and see if you click goes away. Might be a slight latency thing…
Hmmm…that is indeed strange. I have never had that when my audio file begins and ends with silence and fade ins/outs. Have you tried different codecs and bit rates?
@AcidBoy I can not reproduce this when using a Movie File Out TOP, but I may be interacting with it differently than you are.
First some info so we have a hope of reproducing it.
the TouchDesigner build/version you are using?
Windows or macOS?
Then could you screen grab yourself making the recording so I can see how you do it.
I always use the timeline to create specific length movies, so I set the timeline to the length I want, and set it looping function to ‘once’. Then I pause the timeline, cue to frame 1, turn on recording, press play, when it get to the end and stops turn off the recording and am done. There are infinite ways to interact with the Movie File In TOP so if I could see how you do it I might be able to reproduce the click for the devs.