audio OSC for CHOP to?

Hello people, I have a problem I think is simple to solve.
I imported some OSC channels of Ableton Live and would like to transform these OSC signals in WAV wave through the chopto.

I have attached a simple example I made.
Think and simple, can anyone help me?

Or am I completely wrong about this subject?
container1.tox (20.2 KB)

For starters, your /container1/select1 chop doesn’t have a valid path in the CHOP parameter (at least in this toe file) - this is probably because I don’t have your abelton live setup… Anyway,

The chop you feed to chopto should contain the same number of samples as you have points in your line sop. You’re resampling to ‘9.8’ samples, but you have a line with 80 points, so there is misalignment there. It’s important to understand that the ‘CHOP to’ doesn’t create geometry, it modifies existing geometry using the samples from a chop.

Also, I don’t have your complete file but it seems you have channel and attribute scope backwards in your ‘chop to’ sop. The attribute scope should be ‘P’ - as you want to convert the channels specified in the ‘channel scope’ to the P or position parameter (read about this more in the help for that sop), and the channels should be whatever they are named in your select ‘select1’ chop.

I’ve attached a dead simple network of sop → chop → sop.
basic-chopto.toe (4.08 KB)