Audio Problems in TD

Please see the YT video link below.
I have this audio problem in several TD versions. It was working one-two times but now I have these sound Problems for days with Audio file in and Audio device in Plug.
I have tried Asio4all but it’s not working either.
Anyone know’s what to do?
I’d appreciate any help so much! Thanks!

Audio Play CHOP should not be used like that. The Audio Play CHOP triggers the specified audio file whenever triggered by the first input. Since you are connecting an audio signal to the first input, you are trying to trigger the sound file at 44100Hz (times per second).

You should delete the Audio Play CHOP, then turn off the bypass flag on the Audio Device Out CHOP which is hte correct CHOP to output an audio stream to your audio devices.

You do not need ASIO4ALL, the Audio Device Out CHOP can access ASIO devices directly.

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