Hello, I have problems to import audio from Ableton Live for TD …

Downloaded 2 plugins: forum but how am I’m catching very beginner, good-hearted someone can give me some tips? the low this link of plugins.


Thank you…

Not to plug, but I made a video tutorial of how to use the Ableton Sync Environment.

Might help you find you way around there.

Yes, but I’m not getting put my IP address in the AudioToOSC.
What should I do?

What about the Port, what is the configuration?

Thank you…

Do you know how to edit Max For Live patches? If you open Keith’s patch, you’ll see the drop down menu that has IP’s and ports. You’d just click on either, then open the inspector, find the “Range/Enum” parameter and then you can delete those IP’s and dorts and add your own, or just add your own at the end (values being space separated). Then you’d save the patch, and you’d have your IP and port in the drop down menu’s.

Hello friend, thank you for your patience in helping me.
I was able to edit the IP and port in MAX4LIVE yet with the IP and the correct audio PORT not entered in the TD.
But I know this by sending the LIVE signal because I did a test with CHOP OSCIN with the port that I created and it received the signal sent by LIVE.
I am using a KOMPLETE6 in LIVE audio card and when I open the file: TouchDesignerAbletonSync I downloaded the WIKI I go to la/tdsync/system/audio this the audio inputs of the KOMPLETE, I select 3/4 which are the same that I’m sending the LIVE.
Do you think that something this wrong at TD?
Thank you…

Are you trying to directly route audio from Ableton to TouchDesigner?

Just to clarify, Ableton Sync Environment doesn’t actually send audio to TouchDesigner. Using Keith’s patch, you’d use the OSC data to animate and trigger all the audio responsive content, and you’d use your specified scenes clips in Live to move through your show in TouchDesigner.

If you desperately want audio inside of TouchDesigner, then you’d have to route Ableton to output 1/2 and then use 1/4" or xlr cables to wire output 1/2 to input 1/2 on your Audio 6. But I don’t know many cases where the audio would be better than the OSC.

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You could use jack to internally route the audio stream from live → TD. info is here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3907&hilit=jack+audio

I also have a super stripped down version of the sync environment to just get the location of the ‘playhead’ in Live (sorry if thats not the right term, Im not specifically a deep live user) there’s also a few other M4L patches floating around here and elsewhere on the net that you can use to analyze the audio from a live track and pipe over some data via OSC.

Thank you very much for the tip Delray, I am eternally grateful!

Let me ask another question.

TouchDesignerFTE. 077 not le Jackaudio Drive?

Well I tried here and couldn’t.

Do you have any tips or the solution will be the TouchDesignerFTE. 088?

Oh sorry about that, yes, I believe that ASIO support is only avail in 088. in terms of 077 I dont have any good tips for you, other than doing all the audio analysis in a M4L patch and using the data generated there to drive TD via OSC.

More often than not I find the OSC analysis is much more stable and makes it easier to send audio to a dedicated visuals machine over network, as opposed to having to send audio.

Cool I’m really looking for the most stable for this work.

How can I make the Division of frequencies of an OSC?

I am wanting to work with virtual Audio to use the Equaliser, and thus divide the frequencies for the animation.

I do not know how a Ableton audio import by OSC and split their frequencies.

Could you pass me some tips?

You’d EQ your audio and split the bands before turning it into OSC. You could do it easily with any of Ableton’s EQs. Then you’d put Keith’s patch on the end of each band’s signal chain, and you’d have OSC data of all the frequency band. Then you’d catch the OSC in TouchDesigner and use them accordingly.

More often than not I find the OSC analysis is much more stable and makes it easier to send audio to a dedicated visuals machine over network, as opposed to having to send audio.

++1 for that . Ableton has the audio thing down - one of the most well-written pieces of software ever made. And it seems to run on my quad core with TD at the same time without issue- do your audio processing in Live/Max, convert to economical OSC control info, send that to Touch for visual processing.

^ Agreed. All it takes is a tiny max patch inside your signal chain that can send the OSC basically right from Ableton (if you count Max4Live as native…). I can send the OSC data of a whole orchestra’s stems over a single ethernet cable. Doesn’t get much more efficient than that.

I am very grateful for all the tips you guys have me so far!
I’m trying to work in the most efficient way, but I am not aware enough with OSC, so I am very lost. lol
Maybe I’m making big mistakes, with the treatment of CSOS, what I want and actually have a faithful representation of the audio via OSC samples taken from Ableton.
If you can check out my mistakes in the design below, will be a great help to me.
I tried mounting an EQ osc in ableton, following the instructions in the Elburz.
Correct Me if I’m wrong, and thank you for helping me so far.

My thinking and get as close as possible to the project undertaken by the great Impaired (mark Montane) but I already know that in this project he used audio and not osc.
Below is the link of the references.

Live Touch and my project!
Live Touch.rar (999 KB)

Hi Elburz,
Any chance you could post a link to Keith’s Max OSC patch pls. I see references all over the place but not the file?



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