Audiodeviceout pan noise

Hi, I’m trying to make a simple program where a cicle moves left and right on the screen and the audio moves left and right in stereo headphones in time with the circle. I’m using an LFO to drive both movements and using the pan variable in the audiodeviceout CHOP.
Problem is at higher LFO frequencies the audio becomes very noisy and unpleasant. Is there a way around this? Or would I need to use some more dedicated audio software like ableton?

PanExample.6.toe (12.3 KB)

Hi @EtherDrawn,

does high frequencies mean LFO Frequency values of 11 for example? I thin kat that point the changes are so abrupt that the audio has no smooth transition anymore and the steps are really audible resulting in the noise you are mentioning.

I trailed 4 frames of the audio data as well as the panning value with the frequency set to 11. The changes in amplitude are just to large here resulting in these steps in the audio waveform.

Not sure how you could get smooth changes at that rate.


I was getting noise with lfo frequencies as low as .5
May not be as obvious with the default touchdesigner audio but it’s very obvious with my intended audio of binaural beats

Hi @EtherDrawn

might be worthwhile checking if a audio panning VST plugin produces better results. As you can load VSTs into TouchDesigner, you should still be able to stay in the environment.


Ahh thank you. I did not know about VSTs being usable in TD. Will give them a research and hopefully they’ll work

Hi @EtherDrawn,

let us know what you find - might be interesting for others as well.
